From:                                         Bishop, Brandi <[email protected]>

Sent:                                           Wednesday, April 1, 2020 8:52 AM

To:                                               [email protected]; Bob Dill; Jason Powers; 'Joe Brining'

Subject:                                     CARES act and Proposed Telehealth changes

Attachments:                          CARES Act.docx; Frates Self-file.docx


Good morning, 


We hope you and your families are staying safe during this difficult time.  In light of the current situation with Covid-19, we have proposed the following changes to add telehealth services to our current plans.  We would like these changes to be effective 3/1/20-6/30/20, at which time we will revisit the need to extend the effective dates or make permanent changes.  Please let me know if you have any objections to the changes proposed below.  Our next step will be to send this to stop loss for their approval.  


1.  We will be allowing ALL telehealth services to be covered by our plans.  There will be a copay that will be determined based on the type of service provided.  All primary care telehealth services will match the plans current primary care copay and all specialty telehealth services will match the groups current specialty copay.  This will be for the telehealth visit only.  Any additional testing or read fees, etc. would be subject to deductible and coinsurance.  

 2.  Stillwater Medical providers have started telehealth services during the weekday hours, as have many other primary care providers.  Our Stillwater Collaborative Care Concierge, 405-742-5771,  is available to assist members with locating telehealth services.  During the evening hours and over the weekend we do not currently have telehealth available in our Stillwater Collaborative Care Region and the members will need to use an outside resource such as telehealth though Integris or St. John, or any other telehealth provider.  

3.  Member that use a telehealth provider and pay up front will be able to send in their claims to Frates to self-file.  The members will then be reimbursed any additional amount that is over the plan copay for the service provided.  For example, a member uses Integris telehealth for a primary care provider visit and is charged $45 up front for the visit.  If the member's typical PCP copay is $20, the member would then be refunded the $25 difference. Instructions for how to self-file with Frates are attached.   

4.  All telehealth services will be considered a Tier 1 (lowest out of pocket) service and will go toward the member's Tier 1 deductible and Tier 1 out of pocket, when applicable.  


We have also attached information on the CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act), which includes information on coverage for Covid-19 testing.  


Please let us know if you have any questions.  


Thank you, 


Brandi Bishop, RN, BSN


Stillwater Collaborative Care
